February 18

February 18, 2019

UA President Jim Johnsen will hold press availability immediately after
Sen. Finance Committee hearing on Governor’s proposed FY20 operating budget

WHO -- The University of ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æ’ President Jim Johnsen

WHAT – Press availability after Senate Finance heating on UA’s FY20 budget

WHEN – 10:30-11 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 19

WHERE – Ebner Building Conference Room

WHY- President Johnsen will present to the Senate Finance Committee on the impact of the Governor’s proposed $134 million budget cut for the University of ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æ, and will be available directly thereafter to meet with media to answer questions about those impact.

Other important upcoming dates:

Feb. 19: The UA Board of Regents will hold a statewide public call-in, 4-6 p.m. to hear from those around the state on this and other issues. To participate call 1-866-726-0757.

Feb. 28: The board holds its regularly scheduled meeting Feb. 28- March 1 in Anchorage and will hear the Academic and Student Affairs committee report and provide input to the President about the options being considered. There will be one hour of public testimony on the morning of Feb. 28 and a public gathering on campus after the meeting that evening.


For more information, contact Roberta Graham, associate vice president of public affairs at 907-360-2416 (cell).