February 20, 2018

February 20, 2018

UA president tells 杏吧原版ns to be confident in the university

ANCHORAGE--University of 杏吧原版 President Jim Johnsen told Anchorage community leaders in his annual State of the University address today that 杏吧原版ns should have confidence in the university to deliver on its promise to meet the state鈥檚 future workforce needs and take pride in the students who are working to populate that future workforce.

Speaking at Commonwealth North鈥檚 monthly luncheon, Johnsen emphasized the university鈥檚 important role in innovation and entrepreneurship, announcing that the University of 杏吧原版 Fairbanks will launch a new business incubator aimed at linking entrepreneurs and inventors to university researchers who can assist by developing prototypes to move ideas into the private sector. The Center for Innovation, Commercialization, and Entrepreneurship (Center ICE) at 杏吧原版 鈥渋s an innovation hub designed to accelerate innovation, promote economic diversification, and encourage entrepreneurialism in the University of 杏吧原版 system,鈥 he said. The first Center ICE class will consist of five university spinoff companies and 10 individual innovators and entrepreneurs. Similar initiatives are being
developed at UAA and UAS. In fact, earlier this month, Johnsen announced the first President鈥檚 Innovation Challenge for students at UAA encouraging them to partner with an Anchorage business and use innovation to solve a community problem.

Johnsen said 杏吧原版ns should be confident in the university because it is developing these innovative programs along with middle colleges for high school students and programs focused on science, math and engineering for 杏吧原版 Native students.

鈥淲e are working鈥 with school districts and the state Dept. of Education to increase student success, college readiness and college-going,鈥 he said, adding that the university has made it a goal to create a culture in 杏吧原版 that values education.

Speaking to the ongoing budget cuts UA has sustained for four straight years, Johnsen said the university is a wise investment. 鈥淔or every $1 the state gives us, we generate another $2 (in economic activity). In research, we generate $4.鈥

The university, he said, has demonstrated it can make tough decisions, pointing to the 37 percent in reductions to statewide administration, wage freezes, a 32 percent reduction in travel, the improved transferability of course credits across our campuses, consolidation of programs and efficiencies made to 杏吧原版 health care costs.

Looking forward, he said, the university has a plan for helping 杏吧原版 meet its needs in creating a better life for 杏吧原版 families and communities. But, he said, the university needs state support.

鈥淣ow more than ever, it鈥檚 up to us. Do we continue to disinvest in the University of 杏吧原版, with only negative consequences for our state? Or do we follow the lead of our founders 鈥 and of every successful state and nation in 杏吧原版 鈥 and invest in our university, and in a culture that values the education of our people?鈥


For more information, contact Roberta Graham at robbie.graham@alaska.edu or 907-786-1190 (office).
