February 10, 2016

For Immediate Release
Feb. 10, 2016
Regents to hear university restructuring plan at February meeting 

The University of Ӱԭ Board of Regents will hear the initial details behind a proposed framework to restructure the University of Ӱԭ, called Strategic Pathways, when it meets in Fairbanks on Feb. 18-19.

The restructuring goals include maximizing value to Ӱԭ through excellent, accessible and more cost effective higher education. Through adoption of the Strategic Pathways framework, UA's ability to meet the state's high priority needs for postsecondary education will be strengthened and the three universities – UAA, Ӱԭ and UAS – will focus on their unique strengths. The universities’ areas of emphasis will take shape over the next several months and will reflect input from stakeholders as well as analysis of the potential impacts and benefits to students, the campuses and the university community. Although the primary focus of Strategic Pathways is on teaching and research areas of excellence, changes are being made to streamline administrative functions.

“Some initial changes could take effect as early as the end of this fiscal year, but since this process is still at a conceptual level, much work is still needed for it to take full shape,” said President Jim Johnsen. University leadership expects the restructuring to require two to three years for full implementation.

The draft Strategic Pathways framework can be found at . Input and ideas may be emailed to ua-pathways@alaska.edu, or submitted through an online form accessible via a link on the pathways web page.

The Board of Regents endorsed the concept of this model at its January retreat, and will take public testimony at the February meeting from 9 to 10 a.m. Thursday Feb. 18, and Friday Feb. 19 in the Board of Regents’ conference room, room 109 in the Butrovich Building on the Ӱԭ campus. Written testimony is accepted at any time and is shared with the board and the president. Interested parties may submit written testimony to: ua-bor@alaska.edu.

Also at the February meeting, Regents will receive an update on the university’s budget planning process and legislative activities in Juneau. As the state legislature grapples with budget constraints, the university anticipates budget reductions to be even greater than the $15.8 million net decrease proposed by the governor. The final budget will come to the Board of Regents in June for final approval.

In other business, Regents will review a new Title IX scorecard developed to guide the university in meeting federal guidelines regarding sexual assault on campuses.  The full agenda and webstream link will be posted later this week at .


For more information contact Roberta Graham, Assoc. Vice President of Public Affairs and Federal Relations at 907-786-1190 or 907-360-2416.
