September 6, 2018

Sept. 6, 2018

Board of Regents to meet in September for first look at FY20 budget and other initiatives

JUNEAU – The University of ĐÓ°ÉÔ­°ć Board of Regents will take up the draft FY20 budget, approve the UA Foundation’s comprehensive systemwide philanthropy campaign plan, and receive updates on the new ĐÓ°ÉÔ­°ć College of Education, and on issues pertaining to Title IX at its September 13-14 meeting at the University of Southeast recreation center in Juneau. The board also will receive a preliminary overview of the university’s compensation study and hear committee, financial and governance reports.

President Jim Johnsen will present a preliminary FY20 budget focused on meeting the regents’ goals for increasing enrollment, workforce and economic development, promoting the university’s global position in Arctic research, improving student success and increasing cost efficiencies across the UA system. The proposed budget includes funding for additional Title IX and human resources offices to increase capacity and reduce response time to reports and incidents of misconduct, enhance prevention efforts and continue to grow a university culture of respect, safety and free expression.

As part of the Title IX update the board will review compliance scorecards and progress made on the Voluntary Resolution Agreement with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights. The board will also consider a proposed policy for responding to delayed reports of misconduct.

Additional items on the board’s agenda include review and consideration of the president’s performance-based compensation, and approving a resolution of appreciation for outgoing interim UAA Chancellor Sam Gingerich. UAA’s new chancellor, Cathy Sandeen, will assume the position Sept. 15.

Regents will hold a public evening gathering from 5:30 –6:30 p.m. at the UAS Student Rec Center in Juneau on Thursday, Sept. 13.

Audit, academic and student affairs, and facilities and land management committees are meeting via video conferencing on September 6 and 7. The committee and full board meetings are streamed online. Watch live stream video of Board of Regents meetings from your computer or wireless device.

All Board of Regents meeting agendas and materials are available at .


For more information, contact Monique Musick, public information coordinator, at 907-450-8103.