Information for Fiscal and Procurement Technicians

Updates and Information

FY24 Purchase Requisition Cut-Off Dates Fund 1 ONLY 
NOTE: This year June 30th falls on a Sunday. Therefore, the last business day for Procurement to complete purchase orders is Friday, June 21, 2024.

*NEW* Banner Procurement Requisitioner Training Materials

Starting April 25, 2024 Procurement & Contract Services will no longer mandate requisition entry training to gain access to Banner procurement screens located within the finance module. Instead, each university will be responsible for granting access to individuals who require it for their duties. These individuals will be directed here to complete the training and use these materials as references. 
How to Use These Materials:

  • If this is your first time using Banner or the procurement module, please start at lesson 1 and progress through subsequent lessons. 
  • The  contains a requisition training companion text and the folder names reference the relevant page numbers for the lesson. 
  • Each lesson folder contains at least one video and a transcript of the video. 

After completing all the lessons for the first time, feel free to return and review any provided materials. It is common for users to come across things sporadically, so the intention of having these lessons posted is to allow you to refresh your knowledge at any time.

Additional Training Materials


Vendor Agreements & Contracts

Cooperative Contracts

Cooperative contracts are available for use across UA.  These contracts are presumed to have already competed, therefore there is no requirement for additional competition. Use of these cooperative contracts will speed up the purchasing process.

Find the products or services that you are looking for, and get a vendor quote referencing the contract number or participating ID, and submit with your requisition backup to  In the document text of your requisition, please use the modifier clause COOPPURC to ensure P&CS is aware the quote is from a cooperative contract.

P&CS reserves the right to review the quote and may seek better pricing if available.

  • State of ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æ Master Agreements Available for Use
  • E&I
    • Member number 502501
  • Sourcewell
    • UAA Participating ID# 58126
    • ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æ Participating ID# 16228
    • UAS Participating ID# 203661
  • Omnia Partners
    • ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æ Participating Agency # 5270261
  • Allied States Alliance 19
    • Member # M-5719244



Setting Up an Account and Linking to UA Pricing

  1. You must have an account number. The only way to get this is to complete the new account set up form and send it to Denise Caissie,
  2. Once FedEx has set up your new account, you will receive an email from them with your account number and information on how to set up your login.

If you have any questions contact Denise Caissie at 474-7374.


Procurement Memos and Policies

University of ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æ Procurement Policy

State of ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æ Procurement Code:

Processing Contractor Travel Memo (1-5-2023)

New Honorarium Process ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æ 

New Honorarium Process UAA

Software Resources

Quick Reference Links (ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æ)

Purchasing Documentation (UAS)

ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æ Statutes and University Procurement Regulations require that all purchases over $10,000 be competed to ensure that the University is getting the best value as it procures goods and services to support its mission. The process includes, written or verbal specifications submitted to potential vendors or contractors requesting them to submit pricing via an informal quote or proposal (for items $10,000 to $100,000) for goods or non-personal services; or a formal Bid or Request for Proposal for goods, non-personal or professional services over $100,000.

A University procurement officer will develop specifications and/or scope of work based on their understanding of the department's needs submitted on the requisition, backup and any subsequent discussions. A standard amount of time is given for vendors to respond to University solicitations. Sometimes changes to the original quote, bid or proposal are necessary and an amendment is prepared. This will usually allow the vendors additional time to respond to the new terms of the solicitation. Be sure to plan ahead for larger dollar purchases as they often take much longer than smaller purchases.

Following is a listing showing what type of competition will be required depending on whether you want a commodity or a service and the dollar amount.

Goods and Non-Personal Services

Amount of Purchase Order or Award

Required Procurement Action

$1 to $10,000

No required competition.
Purchase made as needed per the best judgment of the Department and Procurement Services.

$10,000 to $100,000

For goods:  Competition through a request for quotation.
For non-personal services:  Competition through a request for quotation or informal proposal.

$100,000 and up

For goods and non-personal services:  Formal solicitation through a request for proposal or invitation for bid.

Professional Services

Amount of Purchase Order or Award

Required Procurement Action

$1 to $100,000

No required competition.
Purchases made as needed per best judgment of the Department and Procurement Services

$100,000 and up

Formal solicitation through a request for proposal or invitation for bid.

"Unauthorized Purchase" is an agreement, a commitment, or an order for goods or services, or changes to existing contracts by any person who does not have express written delegation of procurement authority to bind the University.  This includes changes under existing contracts that are made by person who do not have delegated procurement authority.  Unauthorized purchases are not binding on the University.  Procurement transactions in excess of a person's delegated authority are also considered unauthorized.

Unauthorized Purchases include:

  1. Making commitments with grant money without the required approval of the Grants & Contracts Office or the Procurement Services Department.
  2. Placing an order after submitting the requisition on the assumption that a purchase order has or will be approved.
  3. Coercing a vendor to initiate an order on the promise that a PO will be forthcoming.
  4. Using personal funds to make a purchase of goods or services that would normally require Procurement Services' involvement to secure competition, approve sole source,  or otherwise comply with State law and Board of Regent policy.  The University is not obligated to reimburse and ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æ who takes such action.
  5. Failure to timely submit a requisition for renewal of on going services such as maintenance agreements, etc.

Unauthorized purchases may be ratified in accordance with delegated authority if funds are available, if it is the best interest of the University, the commitment would otherwise have been proper.

However, the individual who made the unauthorized purchase  may be financially liable if the procurement officer recommends and the campus chief financial officer agrees that the University is not obligated for all or some portion of the debt.

Board of Regents Regulation R05.02.03 Accounting and Fiscal Reporting states under Section B – Compliance Reporting:

“The University shall report all payments to the Internal Revenue Service as required by law and regulation. There shall be a determination of the status as an independent contractor, honorarium, or ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æ prior to initiating work or payment for such work. All payments shall be reported in accordance with Internal Revenue Service Regulations.â€

For service providers that qualify as independent contractor, IRS Form W-9: Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification is required by the University. This is in order to accurately obtain a social security or employer identification number and other information regarding how the individual, company or organization reports their income for IRS tax purposes. The University requires a W-9 for all vendors and the responses on the W-9 as well as the type of service provided will determine if the University is required to report the income on IRS Form 1099 at the end of the year.

For honorariums to individuals, which are typically payments given as token of appreciation; the same requirements apply in order to accurately obtain the individuals social security number for tax reporting purposes.

For new service providers, or new honorarium recipients, UA departments should obtain a W-9  in order to expedite a payment and submit the form with other backup information, contract or scope of work after completing a Banner requisition.

For service providers or honorarium recipients that are already in the vendor database in Banner, Procurement Services or Accounts Payable will determine if there is already a W-9 on file prior to the issuance of a purchase order or payment, and if not send the service provider a W-9 that must be completed before purchase order is issued or payment made.

Additionally, winners of prizes and recipients of awards (cash or non-cash) not related to services provided that exceed $50.00 also require Form W-9. Examples include juried art awards, raffle proceeds and other such winnings.